How to keep your home warm in Winter

When it gets colder outside, the heating energy consumption increases - and this is not only at the expense of your own wallet, but also harms the environment. Therefore, it is important to keep the heat indoors. The majority of newbuilds are being built with modern insulation systems. However, many existing homes in Uzbekistan have old doors and window frames with single glazing which let lots of cold air in. Given the energy costs have increased over the last years, it is advisable to invest in new window frames and doors. Moreover, adding external roller shutters offer the best thermal insulation. External shutters are more widespread in European countries, but we rarely see them in Uzbek homes. The external shutters make homes cooler in hot summers of Uzbekistan and offer thermal insulation during cold winter times. Since an insulating layer of air is created between the roller shutter curtain and the windowpane, they act as a protective shield against heat energy losses. The investment will pay off over time thanks to the savings in energy costs.